This is Where I Came In

Hold on a sec while pour myself some Irish whiskey...

Fiestas + Fiascos (2000)

There that's better.

Typing is always easier with a bit of whiskey warming the throat and loosening the brainpan.

This was the thing that first caught my ear. "Space Humping $19.99" got played a lot on the local college AM radio station.

Next thing you know you're walking down the street with the line "Woke up in the grass with the assless chaps..." is running on a loop in your brain.

This was the proverbial nail in the Lifter Puller coffin. Short and sweet and full on tales of the usual suspects among the seedy characters and urban drug induced shenanigans that drifts through their entire catalog.

Slips Backwards (1995)

Second single with different versions of songs that would eventually appear on the first two discs (self titled and "Half Dead and Dynamite") that didn't get on "Soft Rock"

I think I may prefer this version of "Nassau Colliseum" to the one that appeared on "Half Dead and Dynamite". But who doesn't like a nice story of hippies getting beat up.

There's also another single that preceded this one that I unfortunately didn't pick up at the time. Oh well.


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