Blueberry Corn Muffins

If you're following along at home, I didn't actually finish out the month the last posting session.

I got bored and moved onto something else. 

Tonight I just finished baking off some blueberry corn muffins.

It seems pretty inevitable that I'm wearing all black clothes whenever I get the urge to bake.

They're less black in places now.

But the muffins are gonna be bomb. (as the kids might say)


I posted their 1994 single a while back on Swinging Singles Club which is worth your time to investigate if you haven't already gotten it from three years ago already.

This is the full length follow up from 1998.

It's one of those discs that feels like if it had been released any number of years sooner or later than when it did could have been a contender. Or at least gotten a decent amount of college radio play and a one off release on a major label subsidiary.

Shoulda, coulda, oughta

There's still yet a few more tracks spread across multiple local compilations that I'll get to on here as soon as I figure out the how and when of those. (every 13th post?, the 26th?, whenever I feel like it?  I'll cross that bridge as soon as I burn it....)


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