The Previously Unknown

 I'm also busy cleaning our espresso machine. 

Well, letting the citric acid sit in the tank to help clear out the scale from the tap water.

Keep your Keurig shit. Coffee always tastes weak and stale.

Getting a legit espresso machine (not some cheap ass Target thirty dollar one) and a really good burr grinder was a big fucking game changer. Fifteen years and never looked back...

I recommend it heartily.

Get a Hustle (1999)

This band existed from approximately 1997-2002.

Years ago when one band was shopping for a local studio to do some recording we were given a disc of best things recorded at Albatross Studios in 2002. Their track didn't stick with me, but we did end up recording there. (and made the 2003 demo cd.)

Cut to a couple of years ago and I'm looking around on Discogs for stuff to bulk up a five dollar for the entire order shipping package and find a sealed copy for cheap and add it.

Good decision.

This is loud fast and precise and hits all the right pleasure points for me. The record consistently leaps out the headphones and taps not so gently into my kundalini. Been on my phone for well over a year and I have never hit the skip button.

The big suck is that I have been having a fucking bitch of a time finding the rest of their discography. A single, a split with the really fucking fabulous Superhopper and a pair of CD eps all await rediscovery and bringing back into the light as soon as the lockdown eases enough that I can get to the local record stores to comb through the stacks of shit to find it.


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