More Songs about Sex and Drugs


We continue...


2001 - City of Flakes


 The opener "Concentration" is a killer track.

This is not a sophomore slump kind of record. But we never got the chance to hear a next record.

Dander soldiered on until around 2007, but never managed to get another record out.

They did appear on a local music show, TC Muzique in 2006 with probably some of the most annoying and punchable presenters ever to appear on camera. They're running on about half strength there without an actual audience, but you can hear a few songs that might have made it on a third record as well as the standards of their set. Fast forward through the talking. You'll thank me later.

This album just oozes an extreme concentrated sense of frustration. It's wound pretty tight. It's almost uncomfortable, but that gives it an edge that few other things I can think of manage. I'm pretty sure the biggest time I spent with this album was a winter while I was back in school in my 40s. It made perfect fucking sense and I felt this record. I lived it.

Here's your chance.


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