I Am Risen


Yeah. So. It happened.

I got COVID.
Had to have happened at work because I didn't start to feel like shit until the few days after my 6 out of 7 day work week.
Ended up in the hospital for five days and you can just go ahead and write off the entire month of December off as a loss.

Sickest I've ever been and my case was pretty fucking mild.

Wear your mask, kids, and stay the fuck away from each other. You don't want this bullshit

I also realized that I was rapidly approaching the day where my queued posts on this blog were coming to an end. So here I have risen from my convalescing bed to bang out a start for the new year.

So here's your introduction to Superhopper. 

1999 - Music for Downtowns


I came by them a few years into their run when one of my bands played a couple of shows with them. Fucking hell they were monsters live. Seriously, on like a winter Tuesday night to a couple dozen people who wandered into the Turf Club and they're ripping it up like nobody's business.

Fuck, I wish I'd seen them more and could see them again.

Here's video of a short set at Eclipse Records, which was a short lived record store in St Paul that regularly had bands come and play. All ages. Problem was the store was in a primarily residential kind of area with at least one neighbor prone to noise complaints. It's early enough they still have the trombone. They also do a fine version of Pere Ubu's "Final Solution" A lot of sweat in that tiny room.

This is their debut compact disc. Kicking off with "A.A." and roiling along at a boil until the fan favorite "(I Just Wanna See You) Naked" This is some stuff that is still in regular rotation on my phone and always gets turned up when it filters through random play.

Start here. It gets even better.


  1. Glad you are on the mend. COVID is no joke, and it is infuriating to see people treat it as one. I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today, and felt the weight of ten months of fear and anxiety begin to lift.

    1. Good for you. I'm wondering if I go to the back of the frontline line now for vaccination.


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