

One of the things that I occasionally have difficulty with is deciding what to post on any given day.

I have a large folder of stuff set aside and I can sit and scroll up and down it paralyzed by indecision about which thing is what I'm going to write snarky bullshit about and if I want to overcome some personal animosity towards somebody who put out a decent album but was pointlessly a real asshole towards me or other people I know and post it anyway.

Today is not that day.


All the Pancakes You Can Eat (1986)

This is the actually the 1993 compact disc reissue of this forgotten Minneapolis classic with bonus material.

I used to have an original copy a long time ago, but it got sold somewhere along the line. I have regrets. We all do.
I'd purchased a used copy at Nuggets in Kenmore Square probably in 1986 based solely on the homemade paint splatter covers (as illustrated above) and some of the more interesting song titles. I had no idea what was inside, but intrigued enough to plunk down my hard earned carry it home.

There's a lot of winners on this one. "I Hate This Song" was definitely on at least one work mixtape that we played at the sandwich shop where I was working at the time. "Ron Goes to the Faust" is another hit about a guy who goes to a strip club and encounters his daughter onstage.

Yeah, it's all just fun garage band goodness until you see your child flashing her tits for strangers.

Pop a cold one and play along at home.


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