Is It Spring Yet?


I just remembered I have leftover al pastor tacos in the fridge. 

I should get on with this. I type, I eat, I play video games until morning.
It's the cycle of life on my days off.
I also remember I have whisky which should be interesting since I haven't had so much as a drop of liquor in months.

This could turn out to be a swell night.

1995 -Sissy Bar

The solo work of Matt Olson of Balloon Guy that was concurrent to that band. It's kind of an extension of that but lesser fi and perhaps even looser. I don't know. It's likely he simply was writing and recording material faster than a regular band could accomodate.

I don't know.

It's certainly in the same general sonic universe. If you liked the previous. You should enjoy this buzzing ball of angular nonsense as well.

Here's a bonus just so I don't have to toss it onto another unrelated post later and to get it on here before this delicious Irish Whisky makes it harder to type coherent sentences in my lightweight brain.




1994 - Scapegoats are Friendly

The single. 

We good?



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