Typing and Eating a Stale Croissant


It seems like a whole lot of my blogging seems to revolve around food as much as music.

I also seem to get the urge to type when I'm hungry.

Or typing makes me hungry.

Or maybe, I just snack a lot when I'm home as opposed to work.

Who knows. Who cares.

 Have some Smut

Wall of Hate (1991)

I don't know if it could be construed as irony or synchronicity that I end up posting the band known as Smut on the same day that Larry Flynt shuffles off this mortal coil. But here we are anyway.

It should really come as no surprise that Minneapolis like most of the rest of the US at the time had it's fair share of bands that would get lumped in with what was being called "Grunge" by people who had previously never seen a local band before in their life.

It should also not come as a surprise that the same place that gave rise to Babes in Toyland might have a few other female powered rock bands around.

 It also shouldn't be a surprise that Smut recorded for Spanish Fly Records, a subsidiary of Twin Tone run by Babes in Toyland drummer and general swell egg Lori Barbero. The label only lasted a few short years, but it did highlight a small, but underserved/underrepresented portion of the Twin Cities music scene.

I have no personal recollection of seeing Smut live, but I do think I must have caught them at least once in the 7th St Entry in the latter portion of their existence when they were a three piece. I saw a lot of stuff back then.

But no matter. These fine ladies are powerhouses deserving a re/discovery and a place in books.

Rock on, brothers and sister.


  1. Thanks for posting this! I'm not from MN but I used to have their first single as I collected everything that had to do with Profane Existence. I lost it at some point and hadn't heard it in years. Still sounds great!

    1. Glad I could help. Next time I run into Dawn I'll tell her hello from you.


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