And Now For Something Out of your Wheelhouse


Out of one's wheelhouse.
Such an odd and archaic phrase. A wheelhouse being a place at the end of railroad lines where they'd turn the train engines around to go back the way they came. There are probably some still around, but I doubt too many.
It seems like I use way too much obsolete slang. I seem to have to explain words like "rube" to people who act insulted at hearing something for the first time.

Kids today just have no interest in colorful language.

Anyway, here's Ousia

Why is That a Four? (1997)

Ambient experimental space noises.
Let it wash over your brain with the chemicals of your choice.

Dave Onnen would go on to play bass for psychedelic "all our pedals go to 11" overdrive band Skye Klad and dated the bass player for a band I was in back at the start of the century.

Ousia also had Fred Teasley (r.i.p.) as kind a soul as you could ever want to meet and have a few beers with on the patio at Grumpy's NE.

There were other people in the band too. I'm sure they're swell folk. I just don't know anything about them.

I should eat something.


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