We Gotta Move


After living in the same apartment for seventeen years we're going to have to move out because the landlord is retiring and selling the building. We have to move because the building becomes much more sellable if he can come in and spruce up our place which was already in need of a makeover when we moved in. And it needs one a lot more now. (But that's been working to both our advantage over this span since it helped keep our rent and his property taxes down)

I'm not mad, but it is going to be a very grand pain in the ass.

So the only logical thing for me to do is to queue up a shitload of posts so I can a) get ahead of myself so there's stuff in the pipeline while I'm otherwise occupied and b) to distract myself from the overwhelming task of packing up an entire seventeen year married household and getting it carted to another place.

One aspect of going through my mother's estate has been the realization that if I were to suddenly croak I've got a ton of stupid pointless shit I've saved over the years that somebody else is going to be tasked with throwing out. I'm going to see if I can lighten that future person's load a little bit.

Here's a bit of a head scratcher

13 Hertz (2001)

What google tells me is that 13 hertz is the frequency of low Beta or high Alpha waves that the brain uses for "Active Intelligence"

I may or may not be using it to post acerbic blog posts about local Minnesota music.

I know nothing about this band really. It was local. It was three songs.

Mostly it was a buck and I was feeling lucky.

I bought it.

I also don't really know what to make of it.

It's well polished and potentially was intended for AOR Alternative radio at the time. 

And it could have worked a few years earlier or even later than when it actually came out.

I mean, it's not my usual cup of poison, but there are some nice little dreampop touches around the Alt Rock bombast and angst that make it not unpleasant to listen to which is kind of faint back handed praise, but it's what I got to offer.

Judge for yourself and tell me I'm wrong or right.


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