Out of Paprika


It's still two days before we get keys to the new place. We're at a bit of standstill. Not much room to move around and it's hard to even tell how much more there is to pack anymore.

Since life must still go on I was getting ready to make the big pot we'll eat for the next couple of days. I'm trying something new. a Moroccan style chicken and eggplant tagine over cous cous.
I'm using a fresh head of fennel, regular ginger and adding some zucchini to up the vegetable levels for mine.

I had all my prep done and was getting ready to start the cooking and assembly. Upon opening the cabinet to gather together the necessary spices I discover that we're out of paprika. This kind of stuns me a bit since for nearly as long as I can think back we'd had two different open ones in there. I must have forgotten I'd already used one when I used up the second. *sigh*

So now I have a little time to kill while I wait for the grocery store to open up, I'm going to get ahead again.

We Gotta Tonight (2002)

Exercise. Not a great name if you're going to try and look up information on the internet.

The Learning Curve website has not much on their band page.

So...they were from St Paul.

This elongated play is fucking great.

Screaming post-whatever the fuck rock and roll.

It's good driving around with the windows down kind of stuff.

That's all you really need to know, isn't it?


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