I Had One of Those as a Kid

 Another staving off the end of the queue and keeping things rolling along while I ponder my next move post.




Something Wonderful (1996)

As a wee lad I had a toy called a Whee-lo which I suppose was for its day the equivalent of a cross between a yo-yo and a fidget spinner. It just spun around on its track back and forth and ate up time and motion.

It's an incredible feat of magnets and movement that served no other legitimate purpose than to simply hypnotize a small child with the illusion of doing something while wasting time until puberty hit.

It's also almost the name of this rock and roll combo that put out this compact disc in 1996. They went by Wheelo, thereby avoiding issues of trademark infringement should Maggie Magnetic inc get wind of their existence and feel like suing.

Listening to this disc is slightly more productive than the original toy though. At least in that listening to it frees up your hands to do something constructive with them while you listen.

So you do you.


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