Consider Yourself Warned

 I'm hungry.

Thinking that the cucumber/pineapple salad as discussed in the previous post should be perhaps properly chilled by this time and therefore twice as refreshing as before.

I wish I had some crusty bread to go with it.

That's kind of beside the point though.

This is alleged to be a music blog, not an Instagram page about my eating habits.



Blood River Melodies (2005)

The Knotwells.

It's not bluegrass since the gatekeepers of that particular genre are very particular about what qualifies and make the average record store clerk/keeper of the current hipness seem entirely reasonable.

I'd be hard pressed to call it New Grass either. Since that's a randomly bullshit genre invented by the people who want to play Bluegrass style music, but aren't pompous assholes with fixed rigid ideas of what qualifies.

It's got some punk/rock attitude. It also has fucking banjos.

Take heed of that.


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