I'm Out of Dairy Puns.


I'm out of a lot of things. Like patience.

I kind of lost a lot of this past off week from work because I was finally going through the other computer and did up a fuckton of vinyl from the past year. Two whole nights of scanning seven inch sleeves. Hours spent ripping and tagging. It was a lot of fucking work spread over several days/nights.

And at some point between the two blogs, you may get the opportunity to benefit from all this toil.
I even managed to get up early enough one day to actually leave the house and hit up some record stores and came away with a couple dozen more local Mn things for dirt cheap. Buy it when I see it or I may never get the chance again.

If nothing else, I'll have a nice archive of rare things that can be donated to a library when I kick because some of the stuff that I used to see regularly is getting tougher and tougher to locate.

Now where were we?

Ah yes. Milk

So Many Dynamos (1996)

Swansong for Milk.
All good things must eventually come to an end and thus it is with this band.
Nothing to do but crank it up and enjoy the aftertaste.


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