Starting at the 2nd

 Still can't remember what I as going to cook.

But when I'm done here I really ought to get some bread dough going.

It was probably a mistake to start making my own bread a couple of months ago because there's really no going back from this point.

I just created more work for myself. I mean, it's easy as fuck and the result is well worth the effort, but I'm feeling pretty fucking lazy this deep into another Plague Year and right in the middle of Winter with the Solstice still months away.


This fits my current mood.

This 6 song disc followed up a self released 3 song ep  I haven't got.

So we're starting with it.

Some bands wear their influences on their sleeves proudly. Revolver Modèle is one.
It's pretty clear that they're big fans of Joy Division. It's a modern take on it, but someone is trying really hard to channel themselves some Ian Curtis at the mic.
It's not a value judgement by any means, but it's always the first thing that comes into my brain when they show up on random play.


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