The Major Label Changed the Name

I'm tired and my fingertips smell like onion and garlic. Slip It Under the Door (1995) So this band started out with the name Hovercraft. I suppose it wasn't maybe the best name ever, but it works locally. Then based on the switch looks that just like Lynyrd Skynyrd the boys found themselves Working for MCA . From a quick glance at Discogs it looks like there was a concurrent band with a few releases out of Seattle that was also calling themselves Hovercraft (there are seven total listed there.) So that was out and Shatterproof was the new moniker and this album which the Boston Sun-Sentinel thought highly of. Unfortunately for Shatterproof, this release didn't exactly lead to international fame and fortune and thus it was that they ceased working for MCA a short while later. But they weren't totally done yet. Signal Flare (1996) There was still this three song EP the following year (as well as an unreleased 1996 followup album that got Cdr treatment in 2007. I'm n...