So Glad It's Over

New Year's Eve. Good Riddance 2020 Hopefully we're not going to spend 2021 looking back at the Quarantine Year as a wonderful idyllic moment in history compared to the terrible shitshow that is the upcoming year. But I'm a glass empty kind of guy. 2001 - Simon Reverie This band is an almost complete mystery. And I say "almost" because I did actually see them once. My band at the time played with them one probably Thursday night at Sursumcorda. Probably in late fall or winter. (I seem to remember it was chilly.) The guitar player liked us and gave me this disc which was nice of him. I was too clueless to try and set up more shows with them down the line and they were swallowed by the mists of obscurity very soon after. (My band didn't last much more than a year after that either.) So this disc kind of sat around in my house unnoticed for quite a few number of years until I finally undertook the monumental task of ripping all of my compact discs so I could ...