Still Unmotivated and Procrastinating

One of the things I've been doing this winter and as part of my recuperation has been stress buying lots and lots of Minnesota based records and Cds. Like ridiculous amounts of things because I can still find them and they're still cheap for the most part. And this is on top of the backlog of other vinyl I've purchased in the last six months and haven't digitized yet which in itself stands between me and processing the existing collection that's been just sitting there forever. So as it stands there's a huge pile of newly acquired seven inch records piling up in front of the unlistened to 12" that have been there since late Fall. No wonder I'm so unmotivated. It gets a bit overwhelming looking at the work ahead. Plus regular flavor Swinging Singles is queued up for like six months ahead with gigabytes of post ready stuff in the folder that could keep it going for a couple years already without needing to add anything new. So anyway. Here's Balloon...