The Pains of Being and Obsessive Record Collector

So we're gonna have to move in a couple months. It's kind of long overdue, but we've been here like 17 years or something and there's a lot more shit in this place than there was or needs to be. So tonight I started going through the dustier parts of my office record room. I need a second shower, but I found a bunch of shit I forgot I had. In the end I made a small pile of shirts I haven't worn in years and don't think I'll have much cause to in the future as well as cleared out some shelf space and started a heavy trash bag of junk which is only going to get worse once I hit the desk drawers. I'm hoping that if I devote a couple hours a few days a week I can cut the clutter down before the boxing and have the process well in hand by moving day. I'm an optimist. This is of course has nothing to do with the title of today's post. Today I had intended to talk about the problem I have with not having complete discographies for some of the local c...