Getting Ahead of the Game

It's a rainy Sunday at the beginning of the month and I didn't sleep nearly enough, but I've got a shit ton of stuff that needs to happen sooner than later. Like packing up the house and clearing away as much of the detritus we've accumulated by living in the same place for the last seventeen years. I actually look forward to divesting us from so much stupid shit. It's the process of weeding out that seems daunting and overwhelming. It's that standing in the middle of the room and looking around at all of the stuff and not knowing where to start feeling. I think tonight is a clean out some drawers of junk and ruthlessly tossing a bunch of shit out that I haven't touched in the last five to ten years. If I haven't had a use for it in that time then it needs to fucking go. I also need to get the massive piles of recent purchase compact discs filed appropriately so that when it comes time to pack them up I won't have a massive jumble of discs and not be...