The Cat Follows Me Around

She's still really wary of the new place. But I think once we've got it established and there's more open space for her to run around she'll like it a lot more. I'm still buying time. Have a compilation. Minnesota Electric (1999) It was the end of the century. Pulse of the Twin Cities was a weekly paper that ran down the happenings around town. They existed for a few years as competition for City Pages, but didn't last long. They did however manage to finance a few compact discs in their run. This is actually the second on. The first is much more AOR fare, so I haven't got it. This one is a bit more my speed. It's rock and roll with a splatter of hip hop. Some names will be familiar or become familiar eventually and some never released anything else. Discogs can give you the run down . I'm hungry and cold chinese takeout is calling my name